All of these dolls were made in times of inspiration with lots of colorful and useful odds and ends....

Made at the beach with a feather, sticks, wire, scraps of fabric, beads and love....
Made with visiting family in Los Gatos...small purple fruits from tree, twigs, plastic sheet, yarn scraps, paper, button, while sippin' tea....

Made while living in Brazil....with metal jewelry scraps, plastic security tab from water bottle, sequins, absorbent pack, candy wrapper and a clothes pin....
Egg beater farm girl...made with broken egg beater, plastic pitch fork, silver star, metal flower, squeeze toy, ear phones, fabric, plastic mesh bag....
Ken dolls with fruit head, plastic and metal scraps, wings and various small items from other broken dolls, pleather skirt and tooth brushes....
Mr. Baby Boot, made with small baby doll, pen cap, yogurt lid, plastic boot, wings, plastic candle and third eye bead......
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