Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Upcycled Art Ideas for Kids

I got this 1st idea from a book called "Make It, Don't Throw It"

Save this trash from going to the landfills and instead...wash it good and let it dry.....

then, turn it into this everlasting ......Plastic Pillow!!!!!!

Make a nice pillow cover for it and take a seat!

Painted Super Hero Capes at Warm Expressions Event 2010

Rockin' Guitars with the Time Exchange at the Boys & Girls Club 2011!

Shakers in hands at Pike Festival 2010

Pin Cushions made with Styrofoam and scraps of fabric and yarn

Notebook made with used envelopes

Milk Carton Bag and/or Magazine Holder

Magnet with Bottle Cap

Lots of magnets!!

Finger Crochet at the Pike Festival 2010

Basket Weaving with Strawberry Baskets and scraps of fabric/yarn

Monday, March 28, 2011

Guitar Making Workshop

Last Friday afternoon, The Long Beach Time Exchange teamed up with Boys and Girls Club and Teacher's Association of Long Beach to bring one of several interactive children's workshops to the first ever 'Teachers for the Arts' fair! Projects worked on included rain sticks, canvas making, marble painting and guitar making. There was also a very creative dance performance at the end of the event. Check out some pictures taken at our station: guitar making workshop!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Up-Cycled Dolls

All of these dolls were made in times of inspiration with lots of colorful and useful odds and ends....

Made at the beach with a feather, sticks, wire, scraps of fabric, beads and love....

Made with visiting family in Los Gatos...small purple fruits from tree, twigs, plastic sheet, yarn scraps, paper, button, while sippin' tea....

Made while living in Brazil....with metal jewelry scraps, plastic security tab from water bottle, sequins, absorbent pack, candy wrapper and a clothes pin....

Egg beater farm girl...made with broken egg beater, plastic pitch fork, silver star, metal flower, squeeze toy, ear phones, fabric, plastic mesh bag....

Ken dolls with fruit head, plastic and metal scraps, wings and various small items from other broken dolls, pleather skirt and tooth brushes....

Mr. Baby Boot, made with small baby doll, pen cap, yogurt lid, plastic boot, wings, plastic candle and third eye bead......

Ms. Barbie Maid made with broken doll parts, old fire lighter, napkin, hair tie and decorative flowers...