Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Post Mother's Day Trunk Show Pictures

Last weekend's trunk show at Iguana Imports was a lot of fun. I taught a handful of people how to crochet including a couple of teens! Check out the pictures below.....

This was my trunk show area, beautifully decorated by the owners Tom and Gorge....a variety of finger crochet and up-cycled styles including: rugs, water bottle carriers, hanging bottle plants, Ahimsa yoga mat bags (made from old jeans), hats, beanies and more....

Tom and Gorge, awesome owners of Iguana Imports for the last 17 years and counting!!

Jessica Eldridge, local LB jewelry designer who also participated in the trunk show....staying busy making jewelry with a smile through out the show.....

Her attractive jewelry can be purchased at Iguana all year round....her designs vary in style, so there is something for everyone...

Me...finger crocheting a scarf and staying busy...surrounded by colors!

Finger crochet demos cont'....

My finger crocheted rugs were used to adorn different furniture in the store, the owners sure know how to "interior design"!!

Red and pink area rug/doily......

Please like Aldana Mica on Facebook.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Trunk Show News and May Workshops Updated!

Children's Day Event

This Saturday April 30th is Children's Day. Aldana Mica will be representing the Depot for Creative Reuse at the Children's Day and Earth Day Celebration happening at El Dorado Park, from 11-4pm, by The Duck Pond, 2400 Studebaker and Willow, Long Beach, CA 90815 Hosted by

First Fridays in Bixby Knolls

May 6th, join us at Averyboo Arts in Bixby Knolls for First Fridays. Avery Boo will be showcasing Aldana Mica's recycled wall art including dolls, flowers and plants .... We will also be doing finger crochet demonstrations for those who want to try it out.

Mother's Day Trunk Show

Happening on May 7th from 1-5pm, Iguana Imports will be hosting a Pre Mother's Day Trunk Show at their beautiful store. They have a wide variety of items to choose from in at a wide range of price point....there is something special for every mom in this store! Please come join us! Drinks and snacks will be served! Finger crochet demonstrations too!

Lyons At Night

Aldana Mica will have a booth at Lyons at Night, May 14th from 4-10pm, at Lyon Art Supply located at 441 E. 4th St. Long Beach, right in the East Village Arts District.

Coming up Teen & Adult Workshops

Details about class: Learn the basics of finger-crocheting and up-cycled art. Great gift-making ideas!Choose from several projects like beanies, hand warmers, scarves, hanging bottle plants, jewelry frames or bring your own ideas and we can create them together.

Benefits of crocheting: therapeutic because of its calming, rhythmic movements. Studies have shown positive results for people suffering from chronic depression, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and schizophrenia. It relieves stress and muscle tensions after a hard day at the office as it easily takes your mind off from work and draws you deeper into a solitary hobby where you can collect your thoughts as you let your fingers do their work. Crocheting can also bond people by sharing time and working on ideas together.

May is last month of donation based workshops at Iguana and Consignment Corner, please join us while they last!

Monday May 2nd 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15

Monday May 9th 10am-12pm InspyrArts 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, $15 p/person

Thursday May 12th 3-5pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday May 16th 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Wednesday May 25th from 6:30-8:30pm at Averyboo Arts, 3908 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach, $30 p/class, RSVP required, please contact Averyboo Art.

Thursday May 26th th 3-5pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach,suggested donation $15

To RSVP please go to my facebook page for a list of events or send an email to or call me at 562-225-7511.

If you would like to attend a class but these dates don't work for you, please contact me and we can schedule for a day that suites you best.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Earth Week and Other April Workshops

Next week is Earth Week!! Aldana Mica will be representing the Long Beach Depot for Creative CSULB's annual Earth Week Celebration "Environmental Awareness Fair"....happening on Tues 19 & Wed 20 from 11am-2pm

On Thursday we will be at the 2nd Annual "Earth Day Event" at The Growing Experience from 2-5pm
"Taste and learn about sustainable foods from our farm, prepared by local chefs......Learn how to do your part in energy and resource conservation.....Take a tour of our urban farm, sit under a tree, enjoy the green!....Enjoy activities for all ages (recycled art, herbalism, composting, yoga, +!)....Live music from awesome local acts...Sign up for Long Beach’s only local Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program"

Other Workshops Schedule for Kids, Teens and Adults are as follows....

Kid's Workshop

"Crafty Earthlings" Ages 5-9
Tuesday April 26th 3:30-5pm InspyrArts 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, CA 90814
Students will create several useful projects using items found in the household. They will be encouraged to be creative and exercise their imagination by reusing ordinary items and turning them into functional well as learn about how important it is to take care of mother nature and their role as earthlings on this planet.... They will be able to choose from several projects including: basket weaving, musical shakers and guitars, milk carton bags and magazine holders, yarn kytes, notepads and greeting cards.
$15 per class

Teens-Adults Workshops

Details about class: Learn the basics of finger-crocheting and up-cycled art. Great gift-making ideas!Choose from several projects like beanies, hand warmers, scarves, hanging bottle plants, jewelry frames or bring your own ideas and we can create them together.

Benefits of crocheting: therapeutic because of its calming, rhythmic movements. Studies have shown positive results for people suffering from chronic depression, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and schizophrenia. It relieves stress and muscle tensions after a hard day at the office as it easily takes your mind off from work and draws you deeper into a solitary hobby where you can collect your thoughts as you let your fingers do their work. Crocheting can also bond people by sharing time and working on ideas together.

Monday April 18th 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday April 25th 4-6pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Tuesday April 26th 6:30-8pm InspyrArts, 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, $15 p/person

Monday May 2nd 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday May 9th 10am-12pm InspyrArts 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, $15 p/person

Thursday May 12th 3-5pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday May 16th 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Thursday May 26th th 3-5pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15

To RSVP please go to my facebook page for a list of events or send an email to or call me at 562-225-7511.

If you would like to attend a class but these dates don't work for you, please contact me and we can schedule for a day that suites you best.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Yesterday's Workshop at Iguana Imports

Yesterday's class was a success! Check out what was made below...the student was a fast learner...she made a bottle and started a beanie, which she then later finished at home. I am so happy with how it all went!

Wine Bottle will later be used as a vase

Beanie started....

Beanie growing....

Beanie finished!!

2 projects in one afternoon!! Amazing!

click here for workshop schedule

Friday, April 1, 2011

Upcoming Workshops and Fairs!

Next Saturday April 9th 4-10pm, we will have a booth at "Lyon's at Night" event...Lyon's is located on 441 E 4th St., Long Beach, CA 90802

Workshop Schedule for Kids, Teens and Adults are as follows....

Kid's Workshop

"Crafty Earthlings" Ages 5-9
Tuesday April 26th 3:30-5pm InspyrArts 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, CA 90814
Students will create several useful projects using items found in the household. They will be encouraged to be creative and exercise their imagination by reusing ordinary items and turning them into functional well as learn about how important it is to take care of mother nature and their role as earthlings on this planet.... They will be able to choose from several projects including: basket weaving, musical shakers and guitars, milk carton bags and magazine holders, yarn kytes, notepads and greeting cards.
$15 per class

more classes to come soon!

Teens-Adults Workshops

Details about class: Learn the basics of finger-crocheting and up-cycled art. Great gift-making ideas! Choose from several projects like beanies, hand warmers, scarves, hanging bottle plants, jewelry frames or bring your own ideas and we can create them together.

Benefits of crocheting: therapeutic because of its calming, rhythmic movements. Studies have shown positive results for people suffering from chronic depression, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and schizophrenia. It relieves stress and muscle tensions after a hard day at the office as it easily takes your mind off from work and draws you deeper into a solitary hobby where you can collect your thoughts as you let your fingers do their work. Crocheting can also bond people by sharing time and working on ideas together.

Monday April 4th 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday April 11th 4-6pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday April 18th 1-3pm The Infinite, AXÉ L.A. Cultural Center, 517 Pine Ave, Long Beach, sugg. donation $15
Monday April 18th 5-7pm Iguana Imports, 3440 E. Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Monday April 25th 4-6pm Consignment Corner, 3228 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, suggested donation $15
Tuesday April 26th 6:30-8pm InspyrArts, 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, $15 p/person
Monday May 2nd 1-3pm The Infinite, AXÉ L.A. Cultural Center, 517 Pine Ave, Long Beach, sugg. donation $15
Monday May 9th 10am-12pm InspyrArts 3910 East 4th St., Long Beach, $15 p/person
Monday May 16th 1-3pm The Infinite, AXÉ L.A. Cultural Center, 517 Pine Ave, Long Beach, sugg. donation $15

To RSVP please go to my facebook page for a list of events or send an email to or call me at 562-225-7511.

If you would like to attend a class but these dates don't work for you, please contact me and we can schedule for a day that suites you best.

Hanging Bottle Plants...and Avocado Tree!

This is one of the several projects you can choose from at the workshop...I will provide bottles and yarn but you are also welcome to bring your own....

These bottles are filled with water which lasts for a long time so it's great for people that forget to water the myself sometimes....

Any bottles are good, even plastic ones...although glass are the best.....this one above is a wine bottle....the one below is an apple juice bottle....

Beer bottles are also great because they come in nice brown and green colors....

This particular one is 1/2 of a water can see the cap on the bottom....I sprouted one of our first avocado seedlings in it!!

Part of the process is learning how to finger crochet...with a little practice....and once you got that down, the rest comes easily!

These 2 pictures below show a small water bottle I cut in half and made two plant holders....